Tuesday’s breakfast

…was vast!

There seem to be more guests in the hotel this week, at least I’m not alone in the restaurant, so they’ve started putting out a south-Indian breakfast buffet.  That hasn’t stopped the restaurant “captain” (to whom I’m giving French lessons :-) ) from continuing to bring me more food though… he thinks I don’t eat enough.  Check out the pictures.  Round one was (going clockwise from the left) a couple of idlis (steamed rice cakes), kesari bath (a hot sweet that looks like mashed turnips), a spinach / meat (lamb?) / curd salad, a vada (deep-fried potato/lentil donut), and a chick-pea/green bean curry, with a dish of coconut/chili chutney with toasted chilis in the center.  A dish of sambar (hot vegetable stew) isn’t shown.

Breakfast, round 1

I thought that would be enough, but then the captain brought out a plate of dosas, one masala (stuffed with a big helping of potato curry), another dish of sambar, more chutney, another dish of kesari bath, and a glass of mango juice.  And a pot of black coffee.

Breakfast, round 2 Masala dosa closeup

Stuffed to the gills, I waddled over to the office.  It was just as well that I’d had such a big breakfast… I needed it to sustain me through the 2.5-hour whiteboard tutorial on cryptography and PKI that I gave to 30 people before lunch.

One Response to “Tuesday’s breakfast”

  1. Wei says:

    Love those streamed rice cake and donuts. The hotel I stayed in Banglore offered them for breakfast every morning!